A new trendy food supplement powder production business that meets the needs of health-conscious people.

Last updated: 17 Feb 2025  |  889 Views  | 

A new trendy food supplement powder production business that meets the needs of health-conscious people.

Powdered drink manufacturing business, a new trendy dietary supplement product that meets the needs of health-conscious people.

Powdered drink manufacturing business, a dietary supplement product that helps nourish the body before and after exercising. A new trendy dietary supplement that is coming

Everyone wants to be healthy and have a good figure. However, eating nutritious food that is in line with the principles of nutrition and contains all 5 food groups seems to be too difficult for most people who live a fast-paced life, eat irregularly, skip important meals, or choose to eat fast food, which causes the body to lack necessary nutrients. This is the reason why many people have started to consume dietary supplements, vitamins, and minerals to nourish their bodies more. The business of producing powdered drinks and producing various types of whey protein is popular among both working people and health-conscious people who exercise regularly to help build muscle. Today, AK Healthy Pro dietary supplement factory has recommendations for choosing dietary supplements to nourish before and after exercising.

Food supplements, to put it simply, are vitamins, amino acids, fatty acids, minerals, plants, vegetables, herbs, and various fruits that are produced in an easy-to-eat form to supplement the main meals we eat in each meal to replace some of the missing nutrients, allowing the body to receive complete benefits.Food supplements, to put it simply, are vitamins, amino acids, fatty acids, minerals, plants, vegetables, herbs, and various fruits that are produced in an easy-to-eat form to supplement the main meals we eat in each meal to replace some of the missing nutrients, allowing the body to receive complete benefits.
It can be said that food is very important to the body and exercise because it is an activity that humans use more energy than usual. Therefore, we must pay attention to the food we eat, both before and after exercise, to help increase exercise efficiency, build muscle, and also reduce the risk of harm to our bodies.

Business for producing health drink powder, helps nourish before and after exercise

1.Business for producing health drink powder

- helps nourish before and after exerciseSupplement products before exerciseMake the body absorb faster with carbohydrates or Carb is a group of nutrients that provide energy from 3 types of food: flour, sugar and dietary fiber, such as eating bread, bananas
- Pre-Workout Supplements is a supplement product in the form of a powder drink to be taken 30 minutes before exercise. It combines various beneficial amino acids in one, such as Creatine, Citrulline, BCAA, Caffeine, beta-alanin, L-Tyrosine, L-Arginine HCl, Multi-Creatine Matrix, Taurine to help increase energy, reduce muscle injuries, strengthen muscles, help blood flow better, increase exercise limits, reduce fatigue, exhaustion (not recommended to take too often, 2-3 times a week or on days of heavy exercise is enough)

- Creatine is an amino acid that will help build muscle, increase exercise strength for a longer time.   

  • Caffeine helps increase energy, freshness, alertness, burn calories
  • BCAA helps increase muscle, prevent muscle breakdown and damage And also helps repair muscles
  • L-Citrulline is an amino acid found in watermelon, pumpkin and cucumber to stimulate the body to create Nitric Oxide to help blood circulate well, helping to reduce muscle fatigue
  • L-Carnitine stimulates the metabolism, converts fat into energy, and accelerates fat burning

2. Dietary supplements After exercise

  • Whey protein Because the body will rest from using muscles, helping to restore and care for the body. After exercise, the body will absorb whey protein to build and repair worn out parts faster. Helps strengthen the heart and reduce inflammation in the bodyFor those who are lactose intolerant, allergic to cow's milk, you can choose a factory to produce powdered drinks, accept the production of whey protein from plants (Plant-based Protein) as a replacement. Vitamin B is important in building and restoring muscles, building energy from digestion and protein.
  • Vitamin C fights free radicals, helps reduce muscle pain. Researchers in the United States found that taking vitamin C supplements after exercise helps prevent oxidation that reduces glutathione (a powerful antioxidant in the body).
  • Vitamin D is a vitamin that is essential for bone building, helps in calcium absorption.Helps in the bone building process Nourishing muscles, lungs, brain, heartIn addition to these supplements and vitamins to nourish the body, the most important thing is to drink water to replace the water from sweat that is lost and restore the balance to our body.

Choosing the right supplements at the right time, as described above, not only helps nourish the body, but also helps exercise more effectively. For good health results, get complete nutrition. AK Healthy Pro supplement factory We are happy to provide advice on how much to invest in creating a cream brand or ask for more information on how much to invest in creating a supplement brand. Our team of experts is ready to be by your side.Choosing the right supplements at the right time, as described above, not only helps nourish the body, but also helps exercise more effectively. For good health results, get complete nutrition. AK Healthy Pro supplement factory We are happy to provide advice on how much to invest in creating a cream brand or ask for more information on how much to invest in creating a supplement brand. Our team of experts is ready to be by your side.

Choose AK Healthy Pro. We are happy to provide consultation, advice, and produce cosmetics, produce your own brand of cream, and create a brand of cosmetics and cream by experts in the field. OEM supplement production service, coffee production, health coffee production, own brand of coffee production, detox supplement production, weight loss supplement production, protein production, whey protein production, collagen production, fiber supplement production, and other supplement production. Our supplement factory can produce a variety of supplements, including powdered drink production, lozenges, chewable tablets, soft gels, oral powder, jelly, capsules, gummies, and various types of supplements.

AK Healthy Pro provides professional brand building services for supplement manufacturing and cosmetic manufacturing for exponential success. Consult with a cosmetic factory, cream factory to discuss with experts on how to start producing your own brand of cream successfully with high-quality extracts from all over the world. We also provide

AK Healthy Pro Co., Ltd. Supplement Factory Cosmetic Factory

The best cream factory Accept OEM production of supplements and cosmeticsComplete supplement formula research-development-analysis service

Tel. 02-101-4561, 091-792-1114, 083-412-1115

Email: akhealthypro99@gmail.com

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