Quality Control Guide in Cream Manufacturing Plants Before Deciding to Create a Brand!

Last updated: 19 Feb 2025  |  1375 Views  | 

Quality Control Guide in Cream Manufacturing Plants Before Deciding to Create a Brand!

Quality Inspection Guide in Cream Manufacturing Plants Before Deciding to Create a Brand!
A checklist of 5 items that cream manufacturing plants should have. Check for sure before deciding to produce your own brand of cream!

Did you know that currently, the business of producing your own brand of cream has become a top business that new entrepreneurs are most interested in? Because nowadays, we can easily market, build a brand, create an identity on social media and sell through E-Commerce channels. In addition, you can use the services of a cosmetic factory, a cosmetic manufacturing company, or a cream factory that provides a full range of cream and cosmetic manufacturing services. However, if you want to build a sustainable business, producing quality products from a cosmetic factory, a cosmetic manufacturing company, or a standard cream factory is the most important thing. Therefore, AK Health Pro, a cosmetic manufacturing company, would like to invite you to check the checklist of 5 items that a standard cream factory should have.

5 checklists to check before choosing a cream factory for those who want to produce their own brand of cream.

1.Environmental StandardsEnvironmental Standards

The Eco-Friendly trend has become a strong trend and has become a mainstream trend at present. Therefore, if we have to choose a cosmetic manufacturing company, cream manufacturing factory or cosmetic manufacturing factory, choosing a cream manufacturing factory that has received environmental standards is one of the first checklists that we should think of. That is the ISO14001:2015 standard, which is an international standard that is a factory with excellent environmental management guidelines within the factory, is environmentally friendly, has waste management guidelines that do not affect nature, and is responsible for society, communities and the environment as a whole. In Thailand, there is also Green Industries certification from the Ministry of Industry.

2.Production standards and good practices within the factory

One of the checklists for cosmetic manufacturing companies, cream manufacturing factories or cosmetic manufacturing factories that are indispensable is to have received ISO 22716:2007 certification or Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) that we are familiar with. The GMP standard is an international standard that certifies that the factory has quality in every process, from production, storage, management of hygiene and personnel within the factory, etc. to certify that products or goods produced from that factory go through good processes and practices and are of international quality. It is a good way to guarantee the standards of cosmetic manufacturing companies and cream manufacturing factories. In Thailand, in addition to the ISO 22716:2007 GMP standard, there is also the ASEAN Cosmetic Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) certification from the Ministry of Public Health.

3.Factory Management Standards

Whether it is a cosmetic manufacturing company, cream manufacturing factory, or cosmetic manufacturing factory, it should have factory management standards or be certified by ISO 9001:2015 Quality management systems, which is an international standard that checks and sets criteria for the quality of management within the factory to create satisfaction for customers, business partners, and to manage the factory to be of quality at all times.

4.Labor and Personnel Management Standards

A good cosmetic manufacturing company, cream manufacturing factory, or cosmetic manufacturing factory, in addition to receiving various international standard certifications in terms of safety, quality, production, and environment, another checklist that we should not overlook is labor and personnel management standards, which reflect the vision, care, and consideration of equal basic rights that workers should have. Therefore, the cream manufacturing factory or cosmetic manufacturing factory that we will choose to use to produce our own brand of cream should be attentive to these things, have equal labor practices, and comply with the law, according to the Thai labor standards from the Department of Labor Protection and Welfare, Ministry of Labor.

5.Service, products to be produced, and after-sales care

In addition to the various standards that a standard cosmetic manufacturing company, cream manufacturing factory, or cosmetic manufacturing factory should have, things that show quality And a good standard of the factory is the service, whether it is a complete service or not, covering from giving advice, developing and designing formulas, including after-sales care such as branding, marketing or planning stock or not. Cosmetic manufacturing companies should have a management team, a marketing team and a research team with experience and professionalism. In addition, they should provide a variety of cosmetic manufacturing services to meet the needs of the market in one place.

At AK Healthy Pro, a standard cream factory, we are pleased to provide consultation and advice on creating a cream brand. How much to invest? Or request more information about creating a supplement brand. How much to invest? By our team of experts. We are ready to provide cosmetics manufacturing services. Produce your own brand of cream. And create cosmetic and cream brands with high-quality extracts from all over the world. Our cosmetics manufacturing factory, cream manufacturing factory, supplement manufacturing factory have received international production standards. Received HACCP & GHPs food production standards (General Principles of Food Hygiene: Good Hygiene Principles (GHPs) and The Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point (HACCP) Systems) Certified ISO 22000:2018, a food safety management system. Certified by the Food and Drug Administration, Ministry of Public Health And certified with the HALAL mark by the Central Islamic Committee.

Choose to produce cosmetics, produce creams, produce OEM supplements. Choose AK Healthy Pro. We produce a variety of supplements, including protein production, whey protein production, detox supplement production, weight loss supplement production, coffee production, health coffee production, your own brand of coffee, collagen production, fiber supplement production. We can also produce a variety of supplements, including a service to produce drink powder, lozenges, chewable tablets, soft gels, oral powder, jelly, capsules, gummies, and various forms of supplements in a complete cycle.

AK Healthy Pro Co., Ltd. Supplement Factory Cosmetic Factory
The best cream factory Accept OEM production of supplements and cosmetics
Complete supplement formula research-development-analysis service
Tel. 02-101-4561, 091-792-1114, 083-412-1115
Email: akhealthypro99@gmail.com

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